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Third Column

ベトナム ビンズン新都市における都市開発

Urban Development in Binh Duong New City, Vietnam
~ Exporting TOD Urban Development Overseas ~

東急株式会社 国際事業部 主事


Shunichi Kitajima

Assistant Manager

TOKYU CORPORATION International Business Division



 当社はこのビンズン新都市において、日本の「多摩田園都市」の開発で蓄積したノウハウを活かして、「東急ガーデンシティ」プロジェクトを展開しています。「東急ガーデンシティ」ではSORA gardens、Hikari、MIDORI PARK の3つのエリアに分けて、住宅及び商業施設等の開発を実施しています。2012年より不動産事業を中心に事業をスタート、今年で13年目となり、着々と街が成長してきています。2023年7月にはビンズン新都市初となるショッピングセンター「SORA gardens SC」も開業しました。多くの日系テナントを誘致し、お子さま連れのお客さまに快適にご利用いただけるように、授乳室やキッズトイレを設けるなど、日本で培った商業施設運営ノウハウを活かして運営しており、連日多くのお客さまで賑わいを見せています。
またバス事業も展開しており、ビンズン新都市内の循環及び周辺地域を結ぶ路線バス「KAZE SHUTTLE」を運行しています。定時運行、安全・快適な車両の導入、お客さまへの丁寧な接客案内など、日本のノウハウを活用した交通システムを取り入れています。ベトナムではバスは比較的貧しい方が利用する乗り物というイメージがありますが、そのイメージを覆すようなサービス提供を目指しています。現在、ビンズン新都市内およびその周辺地域を繋ぐバスを7路線11系統運行していますが、「東急ガーデンシティ」ではこのバス利用を前提とした都市開発を行っており、まさに公共交通指向型「TOD型都市開発」を海外展開した実践例と言えます。














写真-1 ビンズン新都市航空写真










写真-2 ビンズン新都市初のショッピングセンター「SORA gardens SC」









写真-3 ビンズン新都市内を走るバス「KAZE SHUTTLE」





 In this third column, we will introduce the urban development project which TOKYU CORPORATION is working on in Binh Duong New City, Vietnam, giving an overview of the past city-building efforts and the latest developments.
 Have you ever heard of Binh Duong? Even those who have visited Vietnam may not be familiar with the name. Binh Duong Province is located to the north of Ho Chi Minh City, one of Vietnam's largest cities. It houses Vietnam's largest industrial park and boasts the third-highest level of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, following Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. It is a rapidly growing city with a concentration of foreign company factories and a corresponding population increase. Binh Duong New City, where we are operating our business, is the provincial capital. It was developed around a central government building that consolidates administrative functions previously spread across the old town. The city is developed based on a master plan that includes administrative, office, residential, and commercial functions, as well as essential urban services such as education, healthcare, and public transportation. Located about 30 km from downtown Ho Chi Minh City, it takes about an hour and a half to reach by car under current traffic conditions.

 In Binh Duong New City, we are implementing the "Tokyu Garden City" project, leveraging the expertise gained from developing Japan's "Tama Garden City." Tokyu Garden City is divided into three areas: SORA gardens, Hikari, and MIDORI PARK, and involves the development of residential and commercial facilities. We launched the business in 2012 with a focus on real estate, and this year marks our 13th year, as the town continues to grow steadily. In July 2023, Binh Duong New City's first shopping center, SORA gardens SC, opened. We have attracted many Japanese tenants and equipped the center with nursing rooms and children's restrooms to ensure a comfortable experience for families with children, incorporating the retail facility management know-how developed in Japan. The mall is bustling with visitors daily.
 We also operate a bus business, providing the “KAZE SHUTTLE” route bus service that connects Binh Duong New City with surrounding areas. We have adopted a transportation system utilizing Japanese know-how, such as punctual service, the introduction of safe and comfortable vehicles, and courteous customer service and guidance. In Vietnam, buses are often viewed as transportation for the less affluent, but we aim to provide a service that changes this perception. Currently, we operate 7 bus routes and 11 lines connecting Binh Duong New City and its surrounding areas. The Tokyu Garden City development is based on the premise that these buses will be widely used, making it a model case of public transport-oriented "TOD" urban development deployed overseas.
















Photo 1: Aerial view of Binh Duong New City

Photo 2: SORA gardens SC, the first shopping center in Binh Duong New City



Photo 3: "KAZE SHUTTLE" bus operating in Binh Duong New City

 The TOD urban development of Binh Duong New City is a pioneering example in Vietnam, but applying Japanese ideas overseas is not an easy task. The concept and approach to public transportation are very different from those in Japan. In Japan, a five-minute walk to the station feels very close, but in areas with completely different environments, the psychological perception of this five-minute walk can vary significantly. We need to think about how to reduce this psychological distance from both a hard (infrastructure) and soft (service) perspective. When I was previously involved in station improvement planning in Tokyo, I was constantly thinking about how to manage the large numbers of people coming to the stations efficiently. However, in Vietnam, the challenge is how to provide services that encourage as many people as possible to use public transportation. Even if the public transportation infrastructure is in place, TOD urban development cannot be effective if people do not use it as planned. In overseas business areas where environments, cultures, legal systems, infrastructure, and economic conditions are all completely different, I am reminded every day of the need for a much broader perspective.

 In order to bring the strengths of Japanese urban development to overseas projects, it is essential to consider multiple perspectives, not only for TOD but for all aspects of city planning. This is why I feel that the collaboration between industry, government, and academia, which is the purpose of this subcommittee, is extremely beneficial. By combining the knowledge and strengths of private companies, government agencies, universities, and other institutions from a broader perspective, I believe urban development overseas can evolve into a form that better meets local needs and advance to the next stage. I would be delighted to collaborate with all of you, borrowing your knowledge and expertise from a wide range of fields, to further develop the city together.





©2023 海外の都市開発分野における産学官の連携のための交流分科会

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