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Second Column

-土地区画整理事業(Land Readjustment Project)の国際展開-

International Cooperation in Urban Development
- International Expansion of the Land Readjustment Project -


(一財)計量計画研究所 代表理事


KISHII Takayuki


The Institute of Behavioral Sciences


















写真-1 戦災復興区画整理で生み出された緑豊かな広幅員道路(仙台市)






















図-1 タイ国で実施された区画整理(YARA地区、54ha)















写真-2 2011年 ナイロビで行われた区画整理専門家会議













写真-3 HABITATが作成した区画整理のパンフレット








  I am Kishii, and I have been appointed as the representative of this subcommittee. I will be responsible for writing the second column.

  Currently, I serve as the president of the Institute of Behavioral Sciences. For the 30 years prior to this position, I taught urban planning at Nihon University, and for the 15 years before that, I was involved in the design of urban planning systems as a government official. During these years, I also participated in various international relations work. In this column, I would like to introduce the "International Development of Land Readjustment Projects".

  Japan's first modern City Planning Act was enacted 105 years ago in 1919, with the core components being the introduction of the zoning system and land readjustment. The latter, in particular, has been referred to as the "mother of urban planning," and continues to play a central role in Japan's urban development to this day.

  This scheme is designed to "apply the land readjustment projects conducted in rural areas to urban areas," enabling "comprehensive urban area development", "participation by landowners", "utilization of development profits generated by the project," and "without evicting landowners through land acquisition."

  It was notably used in the reconstruction efforts following the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and was widely utilized across the country for post-World War II reconstruction from war damage.










Picture-1 Lush green and wide roads created by the land readjustment after the war (Sendai City)

  Interest in land readjustment on an international scale began with a World Bank report stating that this method was effective for developing countries, based on surveys conducted on projects in South Korea and Taiwan. In 1979, the first international conference on land readjustment was held in Taipei in response to the World Bank survey team's report. Japan participated in the conference as an observer; however, the land readjustment methods used in Korea and Taiwan were actually introduced by Japan during its occupation.

  Following this conference, there was growing momentum to actively promote the Japanese land readjustment system to the international community. As a result, international conferences on land readjustment have been held in countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the United States, and Sweden, as well as in cities like Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe, and Osaka. In 1983, JICA established the "Urban Development Course," a group training program focusing on land readjustment technology.

  Under these circumstances, Thailand made a cabinet resolution to promote land readjustment in 1992, and in 1995, a land readjustment bill was approved. In 2001, discussions on the bill resumed, and on December 26, 2004, the Land Readjustment Law was officially enacted. Today, land readjustment projects are being implemented across various regions of Thailand. This marked the first instance of Japan's uniquely developed urban development system being transferred to another country.





Figure-1 Land readjustment in Thailand(YARA District、54ha)

  This transfer of land readjustment technology was the result of the dedicated efforts of various individuals, including long-term experts dispatched by JICA. Similar project methods have also been deployed in countries such as Thailand and Colombia in South America. In 2011, UN-HABITAT, a United Nations organization based in Kenya, held an expert meeting on land readjustment. Since then, the movement for land readjustment has continued to expand. In recent years, the city of Curitiba in Brazil has shown interest in this method and has sought to exchange opinions with Japan, with the hope of implementing it in Curitiba as well.


Picture-2 Expert meeting about land readjustment in Nairobi, Keyna (2011)



Picture-3 Land readjustment pamphlet prepared by UN-HABITAT

  When the City Planning Act was first enacted in Japan, the country faced the challenge of how to cope with the rapid increase in urban population while the infrastructure was not sufficiently developed. In 1920, a year after the act was enacted, the population of the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa prefectures) was only 7.68 million, but by 2020, it had grown to 36.91 million, a 4.8-fold increase. The total population of Japan in 1920 was 55.96 million, comparable to countries such as Kenya, Myanmar, and Colombia today. Looking at the populations of major metropolitan areas in these countries, it appears that they have already surpassed the population of Tokyo at that time. It can be said that they are under more challenging conditions.

  How to manage the rapid urban population increase differs naturally from country to country, due to variations in culture, land legal systems, levels of infrastructure development, and other factors. Therefore, urban planning responses, especially project methods, will not be identical across countries. It is crucial to accurately identify the effective points in the leading countries, and to adopt and adapt them to local conditions with innovation and creativity in each country.

  We should continue to learn from each other the unique features and strengths of different countries' systems, and hope that new systems and methods appropriate for the next era will emerge in various regions.





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